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作者(英文):Gen-Min Lin
論文名稱(英文):The Applications of Deep Learning on Disease Prediction
指導教授(英文):Mei-Juan Chen
口試委員(英文):Chia-Hung Yeh
Shin-Feng Lin
Yung-Kang Kuo
Lih-Jen Kau
關鍵詞(英文):Deep learningDiabetic retinopathyConvolutional neural networkPM2.5PM10Multilayer PerceptronUpper respiratory tract infections
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本論文第一部分研究基於影像前處理之深度學習(Deep Learning)預測糖尿病視網膜病變,針對眼底影像使用卷積類神經網路 (Convolutional Neural Network, CNN)進行自動偵測視網膜病變,使用原始眼底影像前處理之影像熵(Entropy Images),增強視網膜病變與周邊結構的對比性,提高影像特徵的顯著性,因此增加預測的正確性。我們從公開的網路資料上獲取可判讀的原始視網膜照片,所有的原始視網膜照片前處理成影像熵,原始影像和影像熵為卷積類神經網路輸入影像,並比較兩組影像分別偵測視網膜病變存在和視網膜中重度嚴重病變存在的正確性。實驗結果顯示影像熵相對於原始影像深度學習後,分別偵測視網膜病變及視網膜中重度嚴重病變存在的精確度、敏感度和特異度,統計上有明顯的提升,此研究成果可提高糖尿病視網膜病變診斷的精確度。
本論文第二部分研究以空氣品質監測數據來預測上呼吸道感染的門診人數之趨勢,使用網路公開的大數據資料,針對PM2.5和PM10空氣懸浮微粒濃度,使用深度學習來預測上呼吸道感染病患的來院門診人數之趨勢。我們使用行政院環境保護署PM2.5和PM10的濃度資料和衛生福利部疾病管制署上呼吸道門診就診人數,利用多層感知器模型(Multilayer Perceptron, MLP),使用連續30天PM濃度做深度學習,預測下一週門診上呼吸道感染量(三等分為高、中、低量)的精確度。實驗結果顯示對於台灣總人口,PM2.5和PM10預測精確度分別是81.75%和83.21%,對65歲以上老年族群為89.05% 和 88.32%,本論文並分析台灣各區域之預測精確度。此研究成果可提供上呼吸道門診人數之趨勢預測。
The academics and industrials have made great efforts on artificial intelligence based on a variety of big data platforms establishment. Reciprocally, the emergence of artificial intelligence has changed the industrials. Using artificial intelligence could provide an objective diagnosis of disease, reduce the cost, and increase high efficient, accurate, and stable tool for medical practice. This dissertation investigates the applications of deep learning on disease prediction.
In the first part of this dissertation, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used for the deep learning of diabetic retinopathy (DR) images. The method is focused on the pre-processing of fundus photographs using entropy images, which represent the complexity of original fundus photographs. Entropy images may strengthen the contrast between DR lesions and unaffected areas and thus increase the detection accuracy. A large sample of interpretable fundus photographs is obtained from a publicly available data set and all photographs are transformed into entropy images. Both the original fundus photographs and the entropy images are used as the inputs of CNN, and the results of detecting any DR and referable DR as the outputs from the two data sets are compared. The results show that the detection accuracy, sensitivity and specificity for any DR or referable DR of using the entropy images with CNN training are statistical significantly better than those of the original photographs. The research results can increase the diagnostic accuracy to detect the severity of DR automatically.
Table of Contents...............................vi
List of Figures...............................viii
List of Tables...................................x
Chapter 1 Introduction...........................1
1.1 Deep Learning and the Applications on Disease Prediction .................................................3
1.2 Motivation..............................5
1.3 Dissertation Organization...............7
Chapter 2 Entropy Images in Deep Learning for Diabetic Retinopathy .................................................8
2.1 Pre-processing of Fundus Photography....8
2.2 Materials and Methods..................11
2.2.1 Data Sets...............................11
2.2.2 Grading.................................11
2.2.3 Pre-processing Images...................14
2.2.4 Entropy Images..........................16
2.2.5 Deep Feature Learning...................18
2.3 Experimental Results...................19
2.3.1 Statistical Analysis......................19
2.3.2 Performance Comparison....................20
2.4 Discussion..............................25
Chapter 3 Deep Learning of PM levels on Prediction of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections....................29
3.1 Background.............................29
3.2 Data Collection........................30
3.3 Method and Experiments.................35
3.3.1 Volume of Outpatient Visits for URI.....35
3.3.2 Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) Model .......39
3.4 Experimental Results........................41
3.4.1 Baseline PM and Outpatient Data...........41
3.4.2 Results...................................53
3.5 Discussion..............................58
Chapter 4 Conclusions and Future Work...........63
4.1 Conclusion of the First Part............63
4.2 Conclusion of the Second Part...........64
4.3 Future Work.............................64
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