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作者(英文):Ming-Zhe Ren
論文名稱(英文):The Study of Antecedents of Repeat Purchase Intention and Switching Intention of Online Shopping Consumers
指導教授(英文):Wen-Hai Chih
口試委員(英文):Ming-Te Liu
Cheng-I Chu
Ling-Lang Tang
Chung-Hung Tsai
關鍵詞(英文):Argument QualitySource CredibilityTrust in VendorTrust-gaining InformationVendor UncertaintyProduct UncertaintyNegative Word of MouthRepeat Purchase IntentionSwitching Intention
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This research explored the antecedents of consumers’ online shopping intentions from positive and negative perspectives. Although previous research has investigated various antecedents of repeat purchase intention and switching intention in online shopping context for positive factors as trust related to vendor and information and negative factors as uncertainty related to vendor and product as antecedents of repurchase intention and switching intention are rarely explored. This dissertation explored the relationships among trust in vendor, trust-gaining information and repeat purchase intention from positive perspective. Meanwhile, this dissertation also examined the effects of vendor uncertainty and product uncertainty on switching intention from negative perspective and conducted two studies to confirm these relationships with 346 and 400 valid respondents from China, respectively. The results indicated that source credibility of information has a stronger effect on trust than argument quality does. Trust-gaining information has a stronger effect on repeat purchase intention than trust in vendor does. Furthermore, product uncertainty is more likely to lead consumers’ negative word of mouth, which has a positive effect on switching intention. Relationship strength has moderating effects on the relationship between vendor uncertainty and negative word-of-mouth and relationship between product uncertainty and negative word-of-mouth.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Question 7
1.3 Research Contribution 8
1.4 Overview of Study 8
Chapter 2 Literature Review 11
2.1 Argument Quality 11
2.2 Source Credibility 14
2.3 Trust 17
2.4 Repeat Purchase Intention 24
2.5 Uncertainty 25
2.6 Negative Word of Mouth 33
2.7 Switching Intention 40
2.8 Relationship Strength 41
2.9 Hypotheses Development 43
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 55
3.1 Research Framework and Hypotheses Summary 55
3.2 Measurement 56
3.3 Questionnaire Design 61
3.4 Sampling Method 62
3.5 Data Analysis Method 62
3.6 Common Method Variance (CMV) 63
Chapter 4 Data Analysis 65
4.1 Formal Questionnaire Distribution 65
4.2 Results of Common Method Variance (CMV) 65
4.3 Analysis of Reliability and Validity 67
4.4 Structural Model 72
4.5 Moderating Effect of Relationship Strength 75
4.6 Discussion 79
Chapter 5 General Discussion 83
5.1 Discussion 83
5.2 Implications 86
5.3 Limitations and Directions for Future Research 89
References 91
Appendix A: Instrumentation (Study 1) 112
Appendix B: Instrumentation (Study 2) 113
附錄一、問卷 (Study 1) 114
附錄二、問卷 (Study 2) 116
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