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作者(英文):Chih-Yi Hsu
論文名稱(英文):Three Papers on Trade Protection Policy and Aftermarket Service
指導教授(英文):Yan-Shu Lin
Cheng-Hau Peng
口試委員(英文):Fang-yueh Chen
Chun-Hsien Yeh
Tsung-Sheng Tsai
關鍵詞(英文):Trade protection policyForeign direct investmentAftermarket service marketSocial welfareCost asymmetry
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This dissertation comprises three papers, each discussing the impact of trade protection policies on foreign firms' incentives for direct investment, the relationship between quality improvement of aftermarket parts suppliers (AMs) and the original equipment manufacturers' (OEM) production strategy, and the willingness of original equipment manufacturers to open the aftermarket service market. The entire work is based on partial equilibrium theory and employs backward induction to compute sub-game perfect equilibrium solutions for each chapter's models.

Chapter 2 investigates the influence of tariff and quota policies on foreign firms' FDI decisions in an endogenous market structure. We find that two cost-symmetric foreign firms' FDI decisions are symmetric (asymmetric) under tariff (quota) policies, and firms are more likely to engage in FDI under tariff policies compared to quota policies. From the perspective of domestic welfare (world welfare), the domestic welfare (world welfare) is higher (lower) under tariff policies than under quota policies. Finally, when the firms' costs are asymmetric, the firm with cost advantages is more likely to engage in FDI under both tariff and quota policies.

In Chapter 3, we construct a two-stage aftermarket service model to examine the competition between the OEM's service sector and the AMs. Additionally, we analyze the impact of AMs' aftermarket service quality improvement on the OEM's profit and social welfare. Assuming that the former provides higher aftermarket service quality than the latter, the results show a nonlinear relationship between AMs' aftermarket service quality improvement and product sales, OEM's profit, and social welfare. The improvement in AMs' aftermarket service quality will enhance competition in the aftermarket service market for the OEM (termed the competition effect) and also increase consumers' willingness to purchase the product (termed the quality improvement effect). When the product's defect rate is low, the competition effect outweighs the quality improvement effect, resulting in a reduction in the OEM's profit and output due to the quality improvement. Conversely, when the product's defect rate is high, the quality improvement effect dominates the competition effect, leading to increased profits, output for the OEM, and social welfare.

Chapter 4 adopts the Hotelling duopoly model to investigate the incentives for two OEMs to open their aftermarket service markets when aftermarket services exist. Under cost symmetry for both manufacturers, we find that when one manufacturer has greater market power in the product market, both manufacturers have an incentive to open their aftermarket service markets, although this would decrease consumer surplus without affecting social welfare. In the case of asymmetric production costs, if the product defect rate is low, the high-cost manufacturer is more likely to open its aftermarket service market than the low-cost manufacturer. Conversely, when the product defect rate is high, the incentive for the high-cost manufacturer to open its aftermarket service market is less. Additionally, in the absence of government regulations or licensing agreements, we utilize the theoretical model to explore why the original equipment manufacturer, holding the product design patent rights, has an incentive to open its product's aftermarket service market without charging licensing fees.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 市場結構內生化下的貿易保護政策與FDI 5
第三章 產品良率、售後服務競爭與社會福利 27
第四章 產品雙佔下最適售後服務策略 47
第五章 總結 65
附錄 69
參考文獻 73
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