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作者(英文):Shan Huang
論文名稱(英文):An Action Research on the Development , Implementation and Effectiveness of Social Skills Teaching Activities for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
指導教授(英文):Li-Juan Zhong
口試委員(英文):Xin-Yi Wang
Ya-Li Zheng
Wei-Yu Liu
Wen-Xiu Lin
關鍵詞(英文):students with intellectual disabilitiessocial skills teaching acticitiesaction research
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The main purpose of this study is to compile and develop a 「social skills teaching activities」, which based on the abilities and needs of students with intellectual disabilities, and implement the teaching activity into practice, and then explore the effectiveness of the teaching activities on students' social skills learning.
This study takes action research as main method, the author conducts one-and-a-half years of teaching and reflection based on the 「Science Skills Teaching Activity for Students with Intellectual Disabilities」as the main axis of action. Including a one-semester lead study, which mainly teaches social emotional content, and collects information through observation, interviews and teaching logs to draw relevant inspiration for formal research. In formal research, strategies such as various scaffolding, stories of social skills, videos, board games, role-playing, reminder and enhancement are used to teach the three main contents of emotional management, the implantation of social information , and social problem solving. The self-made social skills learning effectiveness checklists, teaching reflection sheets, interview outlines, teaching log table, teaching observation table and other tools were used for data collection. Based on the challenges students face in life and their actual ability performance in the learning process, the author timely revised the action plan during the research period, including the adjustment of teaching content, teaching strategy, and teaching evaluation. Through cyclic modification of action, the author work with students and co-teachers to develop a social skills teaching activity suitable for the study object. Research shows:
1. The「Social Skills Teaching Activities for Students with Intellectual Disabilities」designed based on theory in this study. The actual implementation process still needs to adjust the teaching content based on the students' reaction, actual ability and teaching goals;
2. Social skills teaching should adopts a variety of teaching strategies, of which story teaching, role-playing, film, and game teaching are particularly favored by students with intellectual disabilities, and scaffolding, prompts, and enhancements are essential basic strategies. Evaluation should pay more attention to the process performance of students, and also need multiple ways;
3. The establishment of joint cooperation and relationship with class teachers is an important support for the construction of the 「Social Skills Activities for Students with Intellectual Disabilities」;
4. After participating in the social skills teaching program, students can effectively improve their ability to identify and control emotions, distinguish and use social information, and solve social problems. However, they still need to further strengthen their learning and practice in practical classification.
Finally, according to the development process and results of the activities, the author put forward related suggestions on the implementation of teaching and study on the social skills for students with intellectual disabilities.
中文摘要 ⅰ
英文摘要 ⅲ
目次 ⅴ
表次 ⅶ
圖次 ⅸ
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 7
第三節 名詞釋義 8
第四節 研究限制 9
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 智能障礙學生的社會技巧與行為特質 11
第二節 智能障礙學生社會技巧課程的理論根源 26
第三節 智能障礙學生社會技巧教學活動方案的內容與策略 52
第三章 研究設計與實施 83
第一節 研究架構 83
第二節 前導研究 89
第三節 研究場域參與者 101
第四節 社會技巧教學活動方案的設計 122
第五節 研究工具 130
第六節 資料處理與分析 134
第七節 研究信實度與研究倫理 135
第四章 教學活動方案的發展與實施歷程 139
第一節 我與場域中的人和事 139
第二節 社會技巧教學內容的發展與實施歷程 149
第三節 社會技巧教學方法的發展與實施歷程 167
第四節 社會技巧教學評量的發展與實施歷程 206
第五章 教學活動方案的結果 215
第一節 學生情緒管理的表現與改變 215
第二節 學生社會信息運用的表現與改變 227
第三節 學生社會問題解決的表現與改變 237
第四節 成果歸納與受訪者觀感 254
第五節 本次行動研究的些許思考 264
第六章 研究結論與建議 277
第一節 研究結論 277
第二節 研究建議 280
參考文獻 289
中文部分 289
英文部分 303
附錄 327
附錄一 A 組學生社會技巧學習成效檢核表之介入前後表現(教師家長版) 327
附錄二 A 組學生社會技巧學習成效檢核表之介入前後表現(自評版) 336
附錄三 B 組學生社會技巧學習成效檢核表之介入前後表現(教師家長版) 340
附錄四 社會技巧學習成效檢核表(B組學生版示例) 349
附錄五 訪談大綱 360
附錄六 教學省思記錄表(示例) 361
附錄七 教學觀察表(示例) 362
附錄八 教學日誌(示例) 363
附錄九 教案(示例) 364
附錄十 各主軸單元所對應的培智課程標準表 370
附錄十一 各主軸單元教學內容的調整表 373
附錄十二 研究同意書 377
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