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作者(英文):Muchamad Arif Al Ardha
論文名稱(英文):Physiology and Biomechanics Analysis of Fundamental Movement Skills in Physical Education Curriculum: Study of Elementary School Students in Indonesia
指導教授(英文):Chung-Bing Yang
De-Hong Tsao
口試委員(英文):He-Zheng Cheng
Wei-Qin Hong
Rui-Xing Lin
關鍵詞(英文):Fundamental MovementsMovement AnalysisPhysical Education AssessmentTalent Identification
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基本運動是印度尼西亞小學生體育課程教學目標的一部分。本研究旨在利用生理學和生物力學方法分析小學生的基本運動技能。此外,根據基本運動技能特徵分析了具體的運動模式。本研究採用定量方法進行,並採用比較研究方法進行分析。參與本研究的小學生692人。通過使用 Kinovea 0.9.4 計算機軟件中的運動學視頻分析收集運動學數據。根據 Kolmogorov Smirnov 正態性檢驗,數據不處於正態分佈。此外,進行了非參數檢驗以分析性別、年齡和運動組之間的顯著差異。結果在幾個變量上男女學生組之間存在顯著差異(p <0.05)。年齡較大的學生在基本運動技能方面的表現優於年輕學生的年齡也存在顯著差異(p <0.05)。每個變量的運動組之間也存在顯著差異(p <0.05)。每項運動在運動範圍 (ROM) 和基本運動技能分析方面都表現出不同的優勢。總之,有基於基本運動技能的特定運動模。
Fundamental movements are part of teaching objectives in the Indonesia physical education curriculum for elementary school students. This study aims to analyze elementary school students' fundamental movement skills by using the physiology and biomechanics approach. Furthermore, the specific sports patterns were analyzed based on the fundamental movement skill characteristic. This study was conducted with a quantitative approach and analyzed in a comparative research method. There were 692 elementary school student students who participated in this research. The kinematic data are collected by using kinematic video analysis in Kinovea 0.9.4 computer software. Based on the Kolmogorov Smirnov normality test, the data were not in a normal distribution. Furthermore, non-parametric tests were conducted to analyze the significant difference between gender, age, and sports groups. The results there were significant differences between male and female student groups in several variables (p <0.05). Significant differences were also found among ages where elder students performed better in fundamental movement skills than younger students (p <0.05). There were also significant differences among sport groups in every variable (p <0.05). Every sport showed different strengths in the range of motion (ROM) and fundamental movement skill analysis. In conclusion, there are specific sports patterns based on fundamental movement skills.
Acknowledgment i
English Abstract iii
Chinese Abstract v
Table of Content vii
List of Tables xi
List of Figures xiii

1.1. Background of Study 1
1.2. Purpose of Study 2
1.3. Research Question 2
1.4. Definition of Terms 3
1.4.1. Fundamental Movements 3
1.4.2. Non-Locomotor Movement 3
1.4.3. Locomotor Movement 3
1.4.4. Manipulative Movement 3
1.4.5. Biomechanics Analysis 3
1.4.6. Physiology Analysis 3
1.4.7. Talent Identification 4
1.5. Significance of Study 4

2.1. Physical Education 5
2.2. Biomechanics Analysis 14
2.3. Fundamental Movements 16
2.3.1. Non-Locomotor Movement 16
2.3.2. Locomotor Movements 16
2.3.3. Manipulative Movements 16
2.4. Physiology Analysis 17
2.4.1. Anthropometry 17
2.5. Sport 18
2.5.1. Badminton 18
2.5.2. Tennis 19
2.5.3. Football 20
2.5.4. Volleyball 21
2.5.5. Taekwondo 22
2.5.6. Pencak Silat 24
2.5.7. Swimming 25
2.5.8. Gymnastics 26
2.5.9. Pétanque 27
2.6. Talent Identification 28
2.7. Hypotheses 30

3.1. Research Design 31
3.2. Research Participants 31
3.3. Research Procedure 32
3.4. Research Instruments 35
3.4.1. Physiology 35
3.4.2. Biomechanics 35
3.5. Data Analysis 39
3.5.1. Descriptive Statistics 39
3.5.2. Comparative Statistics 39

4.1. Descriptive Analysis 41
4.2. Comparative Analysis between Genders 42
4.3. Comparative Analysis among Ages 44
4.4. Comparative Analysis among Sports 49
4.5. Specific Sport Pattern 55
4.5.1. Badminton 58
4.5.2. Tennis 59
4.5.3. Football 60
4.5.4. Volleyball 61
4.5.5. Taekwondo 62
4.5.6. Pencak Silat 62
4.5.7. Swimming 63
4.5.8. Gymnastics 64
4.5.9. Pétanque 65

5.1. Conclusion 67
5.2. Implication of the Study 68
5.3. Suggestions for the Future Research 69

References 71

Appendix 1 Research Documentation 97
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