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作者(英文):Hsiang-Jen Lin
論文名稱(英文):The synergistic potential of prodigiosin and doxorubicin in oral squamous cell carcinoma
指導教授(英文):Ching-Feng Weng
口試委員(英文):Max K. Leong
Ping-Jyun Sung
Huai-En Lu
Kao-Jean Huang
Jian-Chyi Chen
Yaw-Syan Fu
Ching-Feng Weng
關鍵詞(英文):prodigiosindoxorubicinsynergismoral squamous cell carcinomachemotherapy
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Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is one of the most prevalent and fatal cancer types in the world which causes million death each year. Although surgery combined with chemotherapy or radiotherapy could effective remove OSCC tumor, high recurrence and poor prognosis of recurrent OSCC still surfer the cancer patients. Prodigiosin (PG) is a bacterial-sourced red pigment which has been proved as an anticancer chemical against various cancers e.g. OSCC, lung cancer, breast cancer, etc. Moreover, PG could improve cytotoxicity from paclitaxel against breast cancer. Hence, this study explored the enhancing potency in PG combined with doxorubicin (Dox) against OSCC cells and further uncovered the underlying mechanism. Additionally, putative toxic alteration in liver, kidney, and heart was evaluated in PG/Dox combination, too. Three OSCC cell lines, OECM1, SAS, and FaDu, and 3 normal cell lines, FL83B, HK-2, and h9c2 were performed in the whole study. While PG-primed OSCC cells, Dox could cause higher cytotoxicity in OSCC cells through activating apoptotic (SAS and FaDu) and autophagic (OECM1) cell death. The unveiled mechanism indicated that PG-priming improved Dox accumulation via 2 approaches: raising Dox influx through drug importers (FaDu) which was not associated with recent known Dox importer and reducing Dox metabolic pathway (OECM1 and SAS) which was proved by overexpressing Dox metabolic gene AKR1A1 and NQO1, respectively. In the other hand, PG-priming increased cytotoxicity from Dox in 3 normal cell lines, which potentiating range was less than OSCC. Underlying mechanism indicated that PG/Dox induced cell death increase was either associated with Dox metabolism reduction nor Dox influx. Taking all results together, PG showed inspiring potency for improving Dox’s anticancer efficacy against OSCC cells. PG/Dox combination could apply in OSCC treatment and popularized to other cancer therapy, especially the cancer which used Dox as first-line chemotherapy.
Motivation and aims 1
Chapter 1 Introduction 3
Chapter 2 Literature review 5
2.1 Prodigiosin 6
2.1.1 Physical and chemical properties 6
2.1.2 Natural source and optimizing production 6
2.1.3 Bioactivity and known action mechanism 7
2.2 Oral cavity cancer (OCC) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) 9
2.2.1 Disease progression and epidemiology of OCC 9
2.2.2 Etiology of OCC 10
2.2.3 Conventional treatment strategies for OCC 10
2.3 Doxorubicin 11
2.3.1 General properties and action mechanism 11
2.3.2 Pharmacodynamic/pharmacokinetics information of doxorubicin 11
2.3.3 Doxorubicin chemoresistance 12
2.4. Chemotherapy-induced toxicity 12
2.4.1 General information of chemotherapy-induced toxicity 13
2.4.2 Doxorubicin toxicity 13
2.5 Synergistic effect 15
2.5.1 Overview of synergism and current adjuvant therapy in cancer therapy 15
2.5.2 Acting mechanism of chemotherapeutic synergism 16
2.5.3 Natural compounds as chemotherapeutic adjuvant 17
2.5.4 Detection of synergism within multiple drugs system 18
Chapter 3 Material and methods 21
3.0 Framework 22
Part 1 Evaluation of cytotoxic synergism in PG/Dox combination in OSCC cells 25
3.1.1 Reagents 26
3.1.2 Cell culture 26
3.1.3 Cytotoxicity assay 27
3.1.4 Cell cycle analysis 27
3.1.5 Oxidative stress determination 28
3.1.6 Doxorubicin flux analysis 28
3.1.7 Autophagic flux identification 29
3.1.8 Western blotting 29
3.1.9 Gene overexpression 30
3.1.10 Statistical analysis 31
Part 2 Assessment of hepato-, nephro-, and cardiotoxicity in PG/Dox combination 33
3.2.1 Reagents 34
3.2.2 Cell culture 34
3.2.3 Cytotoxicity assay 34
3.2.4 Cell cycle measurement 34
3.2.5 Overexpression and recovery assay 34
3.2.6 ROS content analysis 34
3.2.7 Western blotting 35
3.2.8 Statistical analysis 35
Chapter 4 Results 37
Part 1 Evaluation of cytotoxic synergism in PG/Dox combination in OSCC cells 39
4.1.1 Synergistic pattern of PG/Dox combination 40
4.1.2 Identification of cell death characteristics 41
4.1.3 Doxorubicin flux affected by PG-induced autophagy 43
4.1.4 Determination of ROS content in PG-priming OSCC cells 44
4.1.5 Metabolic alteration of Dox metabolism in PG-primed OSCC cells 45
4.1.6 Evaluation of known autophagy trigger in activating PG-induced autophagy 46
Part 2 Toxic assessment of PG/Dox synergism in hepatic, cardiac, and nephrotic approaches 49
4.2.1 Assessment of cytotoxicity in PG/Dox combination 50
4.2.2 Assessment of autophagy in PG/Dox synergism against normal cells 51
4.2.3 Cell cycle alteration after PG/Dox synergism 51
4.2.4 ROS change in normal cells after PG/Dox treatment 52
4.2.5 Dox influx regulation in normal cell after PG/Dox treatment 53
4.2.6 PG/Dox synergism in Dox metabolism in normal cells 53
Chapter 5 Discussion 55
5.1 Known Dox sensitizer 56
5.2 PG as a chemotherapy sensitizer 57
5.3 PG-priming affects Dox flux with unknown factors 58
5.4 PG as an autophagy inducer 59
5.5 Dox as an autophagic inducer 60
5.6 Genetic polymorphism in commercial cells 61
5.7 Unexpected behavior of PG/Dox combination coupled with metabolic inhibitors 61
5.8 Natural Dox enhancer via reducing Dox metabolism 62
Chapter 6 Conclusion and perspective 65
Chapter 7 Future work 67
Chapter 8 Reference 69
Chapter 9 Tables 103
Chapter 10 Figures 125
Appendix I Curriculum vitae 163
Appendix II Publications 169

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