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作者(英文):Chung-Yu Hsu
論文名稱(英文):Effects of landscape management practices on biodiversity and nutrient runoff reduction in rice paddies of Xinshe coast, Hualien
指導教授(英文):Kuang-Chung Lee
口試委員(英文):Dar-Yuan Lee
Yi-Ju Yang
Ta-Chi Yang
Chi-Tsun Chen
Kuang-Chung Lee
關鍵詞(英文):constructed wetlandsnutrientsrunoffnitrogenphosphourusbiodiversityecosystem services
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長久以來,富含多餘營養鹽的農田逕流水排放到周邊水體的問題持續存在,並造成水體汙染,危害海洋生態。人工濕地技術已發展多年,但鮮少在國內運用於處理農業廢水問題,亦無相關農業政策支持與推動。本研究選擇花蓮縣豐濱鄉新社村位於東側的水稻田為研究場域,此處田區東鄰太平洋,且有豐富的漁業及珊瑚礁生態。為避免農田中多餘的營養鹽隨著逕流水排放至海洋,本研究自2018年以此處有機水稻田區作為研究樣區,其面積約為10,000 m2,於田區最低窪處建構人工濕地(CW處理),面積為1,164.74 m2,種植蕹菜 (Ipomoea aquatica),另擇北側有機水稻田區數塊,作為對照(RPF處理),面積為1,477.06 m2,比較CW處理及RPF處理對銨鹽、硝酸鹽、總磷及磷酸鹽之移除率。經兩年觀察及調查結果顯示,平均而言,CW處理可移除54.3 %銨鹽、42.7 %硝酸鹽、35.6 %總磷及29.5 %磷酸鹽,而RPF處理可移除16.4 %總磷及6.4 %磷酸鹽,銨鹽則增加了4.2 %,硝酸鹽增加51.3 %。進一步以累計營養鹽通量計算,CW處理可移除98.5 %銨鹽、47 %硝酸鹽、50.5 %總磷及47.0 %磷酸鹽,RPF處理可移除40.3 %銨鹽及6.0 %總磷,而硝酸鹽增加了26.8 %,磷酸鹽則增加8.6 %。第一年生物相調查結果顯示,CW處理及RPF處理周邊田區(皆為水稻田)之陸域及水棲無脊椎動物相無顯著差異,而隨採樣時間有顯著差異(水棲p = 0.017、陸域p < 0.001)。第二年CW處理相較於RPF處理有較為穩定的物種組成,推測係因蕹菜田區終年蓄水,無頻繁擾動(農業操作行為)所致。綜合本研究結果,人工濕地有淨化水質、提供經濟作物、穩定生物多樣性等多元生態系統服務,建議可納入「綠色環境給付」政策之一,鼓勵並支持農民建構人工濕地降低農業操作對整體環境之衝擊,以完善友善環境的政策推動。
Agricultural runoff with excessive nutrients from farmlands that drained to nearby water bodies has been a serious problem of water pollution and harm to marine life. Constructed wetlands had developed for decades but were not popularly implemented in Taiwan to treat agricultural wastewater. Furthermore, there are no agricultural policies to support and promote the establishment of this practice. The research fields were located in the eastern side of Xinshe Village, Fengbin Township, Hualien County. The rice paddy fields are close to the Pacific Ocean and there are abundant coral reefs and fishery resources. In order to treat the excessive nutrients from the runoff of the farmlands to the ocean since the starting of this study, 2018, the northern organic rice paddy fields were chosen to be treated with RPF in this research, and the contributing area is approximately 10,000 m2. Constructed wetlands covering 1,164.74 m2 were established as CW treatments in the low lands of this area, and water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) was planted to treat the nutrient runoff from organic rice paddy fields. Water samples of the input and output of CW treatments were collected 51 times during the experiment period. The runoff of rice paddy fields without constructed wetlands was also sampled as a reference (RPF treatment). Ammonia, nitrate, total phosphorous, and phosphate concentrations were analyzed and calculated the nutrient load. On average, about 54.3 % ammonia and 42.7 % nitrate were removed from the runoff in CW treatment, while ammonia and nitrate increased by 4.2 % and 51.3 % in RPF treatment. Meanwhile, 35.6 % of total phosphorous and 29.5 % of phosphate were removed in CW treatment. In contrast, only 16.4 % of total phosphorous and 6.4 % of phosphate were removed in RPF treatment. Futhermore, to calculate the accumulative total nutrient load and the accumulative total removal efficiency, 98.5 % of ammonia, 47.0% of nitrate, 50.5 % of total phosphorous and 47.0% of phosphate were removed in CW treatment. In RPF treatment, 40.3 % of ammonia and 6.0 % of total phosphorous were removed, while nitrate and phosphate increased by 26.8 % and 8.6 %. It also showed great nutrient removal efficiency of CW treatment. In terms of the biological investigation in the first year, there were no significant differences of the terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates of nearby fields between CW treatment and RPF treatment. Treatments didn't affect the richness of terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates species; however, the species richness of terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates were correlated to the sampling time (aquatic: p = 0.017; terrestrial: p < 0.001). In the second year, the species composition in CW treatment was more stable than that in RPF treatment. It was suggested that the stable water level in water spinach fields, and there were no frequent agricultural operations in CW treatment fields. Based on the finding of this study, constructed wetlands can provide multiple ecosystem services, such as water purification, possibility of earning extra incomes from cash crops, and biodiversity stabilization. It is suggested that introducing the policy of Payments of Green Environment and encouraging and supporting farmers to establish constructed wetlands to reduce the impacts of agricultural operations on the environment. Establishing the environmental-friendly policy is also needed.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第二章 文獻回顧 7
第一節 農業生物多樣性及生態系統服務 7
第二節 農業環境維護與健康度評估 18
第三節 營養鹽於農業環境中之宿命 26
第四節 水體汙染對生物之影響 29
第五節 處理水體汙染的方法 35
第六節 人工濕地(含植生緩衝帶)的建構與運用 41
第七節 生態及農業環境獎勵措施 54
第三章 研究方法 63
第一節 研究流程 63
第二節 研究問題 65
第三節 調查與分析方法 65
第四章 結果與討論 77
第一節 地景經營措施(人工濕地)降低水稻田逕流水中氮、磷之效果 77
第二節 地景經營措施(人工濕地)對水稻田營養鹽累積移除效果之探討 102
第三節 地景經營措施(人工濕地)對週邊水稻田生物多樣性之影響 113
第四節 不同肥培管理對水稻田水棲無脊椎動物相之影響 128
第五章 結論與建議 135
第一節 結論 135
第二節 建議 136
參考文獻 143
附錄 165
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