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作者(英文):Guo-Kai Hong
論文名稱(英文):Development of copepod mass production using inorganic fertilization method
指導教授(英文):Kwee-Siong Tew
口試委員(英文):Kwee-Siong Tew
Ming-Yih Leu
Pei-Jie Meng
Hung-Yen Hsieh
Meng-Hsien Chen
Ming-An Tsai
關鍵詞:橈腳類安氏偽鏢水蚤(Pseudodiaptomus annandalei)無機鹽施肥法有機質施肥法矽藻魚苗活餌水產養殖
關鍵詞(英文):CopepodPseudodiaptomus annandaleiInorganic fertilization methodOrganic fertilization methodIronSilicaDiatomFish larvaeLive feedAquaculture
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橈腳類作為富含營養的活餌,被大量使用於海水魚苗養殖。但現今主要使用有機質進行施肥所產出的橈腳類產量無法滿足市場需求。本研究評估目前用於淡水和海洋魚苗養殖的無機鹽施肥法應用於橈腳類量產的可行性,依序進行下列三個實驗。實驗一:比較無機鹽施肥法(N: 700 μg L-1, P: 100 μg L-1)與有機質施肥法(市售濃縮魚精)對於量產橈腳類的效果。結果顯示,無機鹽施肥法能穩定維持水體的酸鹼值,且不會累積高濃度的無機磷及長出大量絲狀藻。在橈腳類初始密度為1 ind L-1的條件下,兩種施肥法的橈腳類幼生平均密度相似,但以無機鹽施肥的橈腳類成體有明顯提高。與市售動浮產品相比,無機鹽施肥法所培養出的橈腳類具有體型更小、純度較高的優勢,也不含病原體,且每單位乾重的成本較低。本實驗顯示無機鹽施肥法在橈腳類的培養上可取代有機質施肥法,並有商業化的潛力。實驗二:接續實驗一,我們以添加鐵(Fe: 10 μg L-1)去改良無機鹽施肥法,並將其對橈腳類培養的效果與原方法(N: 700 μg L-1和P: 100 μg L-1;控制組)進行比較。結果顯示,添加鐵可延長浮游植物的生長期,並顯著產生出更多的小型浮游植物(0.45-20 μm)和橈腳類成體。與控制組相比,儘管添加鐵使橈腳類的生產成本增加23%,但估計的淨利潤卻增加97%。本實驗結論為:添加鐵(Fe: 10 μg L-1)成功優化無機鹽施肥法,使橈腳類產量及淨利潤加倍。實驗三:接續實驗二的成果,我們在N: 700 μg L-1, P: 100 μg L-1, Fe: 10 μg L-1 (控制組)之無機鹽施肥法基礎上,評估額外添加矽(Si: 100 μg L-1)的效果。實驗結果顯示,在添加矽的組別,綠藻作為優勢浮游植物的程度下降,取而代之的是甲藻比例上升,並且中期後以矽藻為主。橈腳類成體密度及總乾重在添加矽的組別中顯著下降。額外添加矽所需的肥料成本,使生產橈腳類的每單位乾重成本大幅提升。本實驗顯示無機鹽施肥法添加矽對於矽藻的培養確實有正向效果,但卻使橈腳類的產量下降,表示添加矽對於無機鹽施肥法去量產橈腳類是不必要的。
Copepods, which are a highly nutritious live feed, are extensively utilized in fish larviculture. However, the present production of copepods via organic fertilization method fails to meet the market demands. The aim of this study is to assess the viability of employing inorganic fertilization methods that are presently utilized in freshwater and marine fish larviculture for the purpose of copepod production. To assess the effects of inorganic and organic fertilization methods on copepod production, three sequential experiments were conducted. Experiment 1 compared the production of copepods under inorganic fertilization conditions (N: 700 μg L-1, P: 100 μg L-1) with those under organic fertilization using commercially available condensed fish solubles. The study revealed that the inorganic fertilization method was able to maintain water pH stability and avoid the accumulation of high levels of inorganic phosphorus and filamentous algae. Although both fertilization methods produced similar copepod larval densities at an initial density of 1 ind L-1, the inorganic fertilization method led to a significant increase in adult copepod density. Furthermore, copepods cultured with inorganic fertilization displayed smaller size range, higher purity, no pathogens, and lower unit cost than commercial zooplankton products. The findings suggest that inorganic fertilization has the potential to replace organic fertilization in copepod mass production and has commercial viability. Experiment 2 was conducted to further improve the inorganic fertilization method by adding iron (Fe: 10 μg L-1). The effects of this modification were compared to the original method (N: 700 μg L-1 and P: 100 μg L-1; control group) on culturing copepods. Results showed that adding iron prolonged the growth period of phytoplankton and significantly increased the production of small-sized phytoplankton (0.45-20 μm) and copepod adults. Although adding iron increased the production cost of copepods by 23%, estimated net income increased by 97% compared to the control group. In conclusion, this experiment demonstrated that adding iron (Fe: 10 μg L-1) successfully optimized the inorganic fertilization method, doubling the yield and net income of copepods. Experiment 3 aimed to evaluate the impact of adding silicate (Si: 100 μg L-1) to the inorganic fertilization method, based on N: 700 μg L-1, P: 100 μg L-1, and Fe: 10 μg L-1 (control group). The results indicated that the addition of silicate resulted in a decrease in the dominance of green algae as the primary phytoplankton, which was replaced by an increase in the proportion of diatoms. However, this increase in diatoms did not lead to an increase in the density and total dry weight of adult copepods, which significantly decreased in the group with added silicate. Additionally, the inclusion of silicate fertilizer significantly increased the unit cost of producing copepods. Therefore, this experiment concluded that although the addition of silicate had a positive effect on the culture of diatoms, it was unnecessary for the inorganic fertilization method to produce copepods. Overall, the results suggest that inorganic fertilization can replace organic fertilization in mass production of copepods with commercial viability. Adding iron (Fe: 10 μg L-1) can optimize the inorganic fertilization method, leading to a doubling of the yield and net income of copepods. However, adding silicate (Si: 100 μg L-1) was unnecessary for copepod production and resulted in decreased density and increased unit cost.
1. 前言 1
2. 材料方法 11
2.1 實驗設計 11
2.2 實驗地點、環境條件 11
2.3 施肥條件 12
2.4 實驗物種 12
2.5 水中物理化學參數分析 13
2.5.1 基本水質 13
2.5.2 無機鹽濃度 13
2.6 生物參數分析 14
2.6.1 葉綠素a分析 14
2.6.2 浮游動物分析 15
2.6.3 附著藻分析 15
2.6.4 市售浮游動物產品分析 15
2.6.5 乾重成本及淨利潤計算 16
2.6.6 浮游植物鑑種 16
2.7 統計分析 17
3. 實驗一:使用無機鹽施肥法(N: 700 L-1, P: 100 μg L-1)與有機質施肥法(市售濃縮魚精)去量產橈腳類的比較 19
3.1 實驗一前言 19
3.2 實驗一結果 20
3.3 實驗一討論 22
4. 實驗二:評估添加鐵的無機鹽施肥法(N: 700 L-1, P: 100 μg L-1, Fe: 10 μg L-1)量產橈腳類之成效 31
4.1 實驗二目的 31
4.2 實驗二結果 32
4.3 實驗二討論 34
5. 實驗三:評估添加鐵後的無機鹽施肥法進一步添加矽(N: 700 L-1, P: 100 μg L-1, Fe: 10 μg L-1, Si: 100 μg L-1)對量產橈腳類之成效 43
5.1 實驗三前言 43
5.2 實驗三結果 44
5.3 實驗三討論 46
6. 結論 55
7. 未來計畫 57
參考文獻 59
附錄 87
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