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作者:Agung Dwi Sutrisno
作者(英文):Agung Dwi Sutrisno
論文名稱(英文):Evaluating Local Preferences for The Post-mining Plan Under an Adaptive Capacity Framework
指導教授(英文):Chun-Hung Lee
口試委員(英文):Yun-Ju Chen
Cheng-Te Lin
Yi-Hsing Lin
Hai-Yin Wu
關鍵詞(英文):adaptive capacitypost-mining planninglocal preferenceschoice experimentimportance performance analysiswillingness to participate
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Preparing communities around mines to face the impacts of mine closures is crucial in order to reduce disruptions to their livelihoods. Building the adaptive capacity of these communities will alleviate the burden on governments or mining companies in the future. Unfortunately, adaptive capacity has not yet been integrated into post-mining planning policies. This research aims to develop an adaptive capacity framework for post-mining planning in local communities. The framework was developed using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Choice Experiment (CE) method. The research findings provide valuable insights into local preferences and attitudes towards post-mining planning under an adaptive capacity framework. The CE results reveal that attributes such as access to financial capital, job opportunities, community collaboration, information dissemination, and community agency are highly significant and valued by local communities. Educational background plays a crucial role in shaping preferences for adaptive capacity attributes. The IPA highlights the significance of attributes such as access to financial capital, job opportunities, community collaboration, and information dissemination. Educational background plays a role in shaping preferences, while factors such as income and community involvement may have less influence. The next findings indicate that the adaptive capacity framework provides a comprehensive approach to building the capacity to adapt and thrive in post-mining situations. This highlights the importance of continuing to disseminate post-mining plan information, prioritizing access to capital and former mine sites, fostering collaboration, and creating job opportunities. Simultaneously, efforts to increase skills should be reduced, and reallocation of efforts towards community institutions building, establishing information centers, and improving community bonds should be prioritized in more important fields and programs. By adopting this framework, communities are expected to enhance their resilience and ability to effectively respond to changing circumstances.
Acknowledgments v
Abstract vii
Table of Contents x
List of Tables xiii
List of Figures xv
List of Abbreviations xvii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. Motivation and purpose 1
1.2. Dissertation Outline 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review 7
2.1. Post-mining Management 7
2.2. Post-Mining Regulation in Indonesia 8
2.3. Post-Mining and Local Development 10
2.4. Adaptive Capacity 12
2.5. Dimensions of Adaptive Capacity for Post-mining Communities 14
2.5.1. Asset that people can draw upon in times of post-mining 14
2.5.2. Flexibility to change strategy in facing post-mining 14
2.5.3. Social Organization (ability to organize and act collectively in the face of post-mining) 15
2.5.4. Learning to recognize and respond to change when facing post-mining 15
2.5.5. Agency (institutions to determine whether to change or not face post-mining) 15
2.6. Post-Mining Plan with Adaptive Capacity Program 15
Chapter 3 Methodology 19
3.1. Research Framework 19
3.2. Research Area 21
3.3. Important Performance Analysis 24
3.4. Choice Experiment 29
3.5. CE application in communities around mining 31
3.6. Research Design 32
3.6.1. Attribute and level 33
3.6.2. Questionnaire Design 36
3.6.3. Hypothetical Scenarios 37
3.6.4. Data survey 39
Chapter 4 Results and Analysis 41
4.1. Demographic Characteristic 41
4.2. Analysis of local preferences on adaptive capacity based on RPL model 44
4.3. Latent Class Analysis of Local Preferences on Adaptive Capacity 46
4.4. Welfare Estimation 47
4.4.1. Welfare Effect 47
4.4.2 Welfare Under Hypothetical Future Scenarios 49
4.5. Preference Heterogeneity in the RPL Model 50
4.6. Comparison of Importance and Performance Levels for Adaptive Capacity Dimensions 54
4.7. Comparison of I-P Levels for the Adaptive Capacity Indicator 55
4.8. IPA Matrix of Adaptive Capacity Dimensions 58
4.9. IPA Matrix of Adaptive Capacity Indicators 59
Chapter 5 Discussion 63
5.1. Enhancing Adaptive Capacity in Post-Mining Communities: Insights from CE 63
5.2. Enhancing Adaptive Capacity in Post-Mining Communities: Insights from IPA 64
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Recommendation 69
6.1. Conclusion 69
6.2. Suggestion, Recommendation and Action Plan 70
References 81
Appendix 95
Appendix A. Stakeholder Interviews Results 97
Appendix B. Stakeholder Interviews Summary 110
Appendix C. Orthogonal Design 116
Appendix D. Pre-test Questionnaire 117
Appendix E. Formal Questionnaire 120

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