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作者(英文):Yoke-Hou Tan
論文名稱(英文):Multimodal Intervention for Improving Language Ability of a Student with Developmental Language Disorder – An Action Research
指導教授(英文):Chih-Kang Yang
Li-Chuan Chung
Shih-ming Weng
Ching-I Hong
Chih-Kang Yang
關鍵詞(英文):developmental language disordermultimodalnarrative interventionsmart glassesliterate language
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敘事介入與智慧型眼鏡研究結果則發現讀寫語言(literate language)在語言進展歷程中扮演關鍵性角色。在介入後個案平均語句長度(Mean length of utterance, MLU)與整體敘事內容在不同敘事語料都有顯著的進步:

The purpose of this action research is to enhance the language skills of a student diagnosed with developmental language disorder (DLD).

Procedures of the multimodal intervention programs were videotaped, transcribed and analyzed. Intervention outcomes were validated using triangulation methods. Speech pathologists and parents participated in the action research planning, implementation and reconnaissance process. In the end, three cycles of action research were conducted, including reading comprehension, narrative production, and the smart glasses assistive technology cycles.

The action research commenced with the initial idea of multimodality involving visual and manipulation cues. Following the reading comprehension intervention, the DLD student successfully acquired the ability to interpret sentences containing locative subordinate clauses and demonstrated the retention of unfamiliar verbs even after one month. Additionally, the student developed an understanding of causal and contextual relationships within short stories, comprehended the content, and proficiently responded to inferential questions.

The qualitative analysis conducted in this study unveiled the pivotal role of literate language in language development. Furthermore, the quantitative outcomes stemming from the narrative production intervention, coupled with the utilization of smart glasses as an assistive tool, demonstrated significant improvements across multiple narrative materials, as outlined below:
1. Story retelling ability improved from an MLU of 3.94 to 5.11, and was maintained at 5.2. With the assistance of smart glasses, the MLU further improved to 6.51.
2. MLU for fictional narrations improved from 3.87 to 5.48.
3. MLU for personal narrations improved from 4.36 to 6.9. With the assistance of smart glasses, the MLU further improved to 8.8.
4. Conjunction, background setting, evaluation, fluency, and informativeness of the narrative content showed improvement during both fictional and personal narrations.

Based on the aforementioned findings, an instructional model and intervention program have been proposed for the DLD student.
中摘 i
英摘 ii
目次 iii
表次 v
圖次 vi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 6
第三節 名詞釋義 9
第二章 文獻探討 19
第一節 特殊教育研究之理論基礎 19
第二節 語言理解與表達理論之探討 26
第三節 發展性語言障礙之探討 39
第四節 輔助科技與輔助溝通系統之探討 53
第三章 研究方法 65
第一節 研究場域與參與者 65
第二節 研究架構與實施 70
第三節 教學介入方案 77
第四節 研究工具 81
第五節 資料處理與分析 84
第四章 研究歷程與結果 93
第一節 研究起始理念 93
第二節 介入前語言表現 95
第三節 閱讀理解介入研究語言表現 99
第四節 故事重述介入過程與結果 103
第五節 看圖敘事介入過程與結果 118
第六節 個人敘事語言進展過程與結果 127
第七節 智慧型眼鏡輔助暨實際場域之敘事結果 134
第八節 研究結果反思與討論 145
第五章 研究結論與建議 153
第一節 研究結論 153
第二節 研究建議 158
第三節 研究限制 165
參考文獻 167
一、中文部分 167
二、英文部分 171
附錄 185
附錄一:故事重述教材範例 185
附錄二:看圖故事教材範例 187
附錄三:谷歌智慧型眼鏡硬體規格 187
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