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作者:Divya Rakesh Baranwal
作者(英文):Divya Rakesh Baranwal
論文名稱:Investigating Core Concepts of Introductory Artificial Intelligence in Education Using Robot (AIEDuRo) at the Elementary-Junior High School Level
論文名稱(英文):Investigating Core Concepts of Introductory Artificial Intelligence in Education Using Robot (AIEDuRo) at the Elementary-Junior High School Level
指導教授(英文):Ming-Chou Liu
口試委員(英文):Jing-Wen Lin
Tai-Chien Kao
Chi-Ruei Tsai
Zi-Ling Wang
關鍵詞(英文):AIEDuRoArtificial IntelligenceEducationCore ConceptsElementary-Junior High SchoolRobot
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The proliferation of AI and Robotics ubiquity in society and the speed of advanced technological changes is breakneck and fabricate pressure to transform educational practices, curriculum, institutes, and policies. It is high time to understand the dire need and potential impact of AI and robotics on teaching-learning in schools. The researcher has proposed the core concepts of Artificial Intelligence in Education using Robot (AIEDuRo) for elementary - junior high school education as a holistic approach aggregation in goal, content, teaching-learning methods, assessment and effective classroom management. The purpose is to rig out the elementary- junior high school students with focusing priority to introduce AI literacy; to prepare and inform the children about the fundamentals and operations of robots, AI, and their features. Ten Taiwanese experts from education and technology consensus were examined by employing three round Delphi method and IQR, Mean rank order, descriptive statistics included with highly-medium-low significant constituents. The results address the ratification, impellent and means of approval for AIEDuRo core concepts and outlines with topmost five favorable topics from goal, content, teaching-learning methods, assessment and effective classroom managements which is attraction center of this research and proposed novice theoretical model of 3Cs in curriculum design as an educational innovation. The researcher anticipates that the identified core concept of AIEDuRo will equip students with core competencies for the future with AI and robots and creates a novice paradigm about introductory AI and robotics which can serve as a roadmap, establish guidelines and principles for future developing and designing curricula as an optional or mandatory lesson plan to introduce the AI, robots and their features.
Acknowledgement i
Abstract v
Table of Contents vii
List of Figures xi
List of Tables xiii
Abbreviations xv
Chapter 1- Introduction 1
1. Introduction 2
1.1 Emanation of Artificial Intelligence 2
1.2 Potential benevolence of AIED using Robots (AIEDuRo) 4
1.3 Gravitas of introducing AIEDuRo in School curricula? 5
2. AIED In Taiwan - Some excerpts 6
3. Purpose of the study 8
4. Significance of the Study 9
5. Objectives 10
6. Operational Definitions 10
7. Scope 11
8. Delimitations 12
9. Summary 12
Chapter 2- Review of the Related Literature 13
2. Review of the Related Literature 14
2.1 What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? 14
2.2 AI in Education (AIED) 15
2.3 A Glimpse of Landmark initiatives in AIED 16
2.4 Challenges of AIED 19
2.5 Possibilities of AIED 20
2.6 Benevolence of AIED 21
2.7 What is Robot: Background information and its role in Education 23
2.8 Introducing Artificial Intelligence in Education Using Robot (AIEDuRo) and research gaps 25
2.9 From Learning theories perspective: Some Excerpts 26
2.9.1 Constructionism Theory 26
2.9.2 Learning by Design Theory 26
2.9.3 Role of Scaffolding in Learning 27
2.9.4 Experiential Learning Theory 27
2.9.5 Self-Regulated learning (SRL) 29
2.9.6 Project-Based Learning (PBL) 29
2.9.7 Problem Based Learning (PrBl) 30
2.9.8 Inquiry-based learning (IBL) 30
2.9.9 Self-Determinant Theory (SDT) 30
2.10 Elucidation of Curriculum and Core Concepts 31
2.11 Summary 60
Chapter 3- Research Methodology 61
3. Research Methodology 62
3.1 Research Design and Rationale 62
3.2 Delphi Method 62
3.2.1 Overview of the Delphi Method 64
3.2.2 Sample 65
3.2.3 Delphi Procedure 66
3.3 Instrumentation 69
3.4 Rating Scale 73
3.5 Data Analysis 73
3.5.1 Delphi Round one (R1) 73
3.5.2 Delphi Round two (R2) 74
3.5.3 Delphi Round three (R3) 75
3.6 Ethical Procedure 75
3.7 Trustworthiness 75
3.8 Summary 76
Chapter 4- Results 77
4.1 Results 78
4.2 Participants' Demographic Characteristics 78
4.3 Qualitative Analysis and Statistics of three iterations of Delphi Round 80
4.4 Rationale on IQRs and Descriptive statistics 84
4.5 Descriptive Statistics of three Delphi rounds R1, R2 & R3 86
4.6 Changes in Mean and Rank of AIEDuRo core concepts from Delphi R1 to Delphi R2 88
4.7 Summary 91
Chapter 5- Interpretations, Conclusion, and Recommendations, Implications 93
5.1 Overview 94
5.2 Interpretations of Findings 95
5.2.1 Goal 98
5.2.2 Content 100
5.2.3 Teaching Learning Method 103
5.2.4 Assessment 105
5.2.5 Effective Classroom Management 107
5.3 Rationale on Reworded and Modified Items 108
5.4 Highlight of the study: 3Cs 111
5.5 Conclusion 114
5.6 Recommendations 120
5.7 Implications 120
5.8 Limitations 121
References 123
Appendix- A Participants Demographic Characteristics 155
Appendix- B CONSENT LETTER 157
Appendix- C Delphi Round-1 Questionnaire for Experts 159
Appendix- D Modifications and reworded identified in R2 & R1 177
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