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指導教授(英文):Tai-Chien Kao
口試委員(英文):Dong-Zhong Tsai
Yuan-Chen Liu
Jing-Wen Lin
Ming-Chou Liu
關鍵詞(英文):CalculusConventional Flipped ClassroomPeer Teaching Flipped ClassroomConceptual UnderstandingSelf-Efficacy
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Calculus differential is the basis of mathematics before entering the level of further mathematics, which has a high analysis level. Students have difficulty understanding concepts and have not been able to analyze/predict/realize (self-efficacy) that impact challenges in working on calculus problems. On the other hand, technology has been developed in education. It is offered as a solution to the issues, namely peer teaching flipped classrooms. This learning model is a technology-based approach to student center learning. This research compared conventional flipped classrooms and peer teaching flipped classrooms. This research investigated the differences in students' conceptual understanding and self-efficacy in both classes in terms of gender, majors of background, and prior knowledge. This research used a nonequivalent pretest and posttest design using flipped classroom method. The participants of this study were freshmen students who enrolled in two calculus classes at STKIP PGRI West Sumatra, Indonesia. The type of data in the study was quantitative, namely test and questionnaire. The hypothesis test used one-way ANCOVA, bivariate correlation, two-way ANCOVA, and two-way ANOVA. The results showed that peer teaching flipped classroom increased students' conceptual understanding and self-efficacy. Peer teaching flipped classroom method was better than the conventional flipped classroom method in terms of students' conceptual understanding and self-efficacy. The results showed that self-efficacy had a positive correlation with conceptual understanding in both methods. The results showed that the students' prior achievement level and majors background influenced students' conceptual understanding, while gender did not influence students' conceptual understanding. Moreover, students' majors background influenced students' self-efficacy, while gender and prior achievement level did not affect students' self-efficacy.
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Purposes of the Study 5
1.3 Definition of Terms 6
2.1 The Challenges of Calculus Learning at University 9
2.2 Calculus Conceptual Understanding 16
2.3 Calculus Self-Efficacy 18
2.4 The Flipped Classroom 19
2.5 Hypothesis 33
3.1 Research Design 37
3.2 Research Participants and Setting 39
3.3 Instruments 41
3.4 Research Procedures 49
3.5 Data Collection 64
3.6 Data Analysis 64
3.7 Data Analysis Technique 66
Comparison between PTFC and CFC Methods in
Conceptual Understanding 69
Comparison between PTFC and CFC Methods in Self-Efficacy 72
Correlation between Conceptual Understanding and Self-Efficacy in CFC
and PTFC Methods 74
Comparison between Conceptual Understanding and Self-Efficacy in CFC
and PTFC Methods in Terms of Gender, Majors’ Background, and
Prior Achievement Level 76
Formative Assessment Analysis 118
5.1 Discussions 133
5.2 Conclusions 153
5.3 Limitations of the Study 155
5.4 Educational Implications of the Findings 156
5.5 Recommendation for Future Research 157
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