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作者:Ling Xia Liao
作者(英文):Ling Xia Liao
論文名稱:Modeling, Classifying, and Optimizing the Management of Elephant Flows over Software-Defined Networks
論文名稱(英文):Modeling, Classifying, and Optimizing the Management of Elephant Flows over Software-Defined Networks
指導教授(英文):Han-Chieh Chao
口試委員(英文):Hai-Cheng Chu
Yao-Chung Chang
Tin-Yu Wu
Chin-Feng Lai
Chi-Yuan Chen
Hsin-Hung Cho
Fan-Hsun Tseng
Wei-Che Chien
關鍵詞(英文):Software-Defined NetworkingElephant ClassificationFlow Entry TimeoutSemi-supervised LearningReinforcement Learning viii
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電腦網路通常將資料容量較大且持續時間較長的流稱為大象流。由於多個大象流佔用相同網路鏈路會造成網路擁塞,降低網路性能和服務品質,偵測大象流對電腦網路的性能管理和資源優化非常關鍵。軟體定義網路(Software-defined networking)是一種新型的網路架構。該架構將網路管理與資料轉發功能解耦,提供了新機制對網路進行全域管理和優化。本論文研究基於軟體定義架構的電腦網路上的通用大象流偵測方法,旨在通過研究資料包的採樣,大象流的建模,和網路的優化方法使得軟體定義網路控制器可以進行準確、穩定和高效的大象流偵測。本論文首先研究了軟體定義網路上資料包的採樣並提出使用流表項失效時間對轉發到控制器的包進行採樣,從而使控制器可以根據收到的包對大象流進行偵測。這種方法徹底避免了將交換機流表項保存的統計資訊直接轉發到控制器導致控制通道頻寬佔用過大的問題,使得控制器在進行大象流偵測時可以避免佔用過多網路資源。其次研究了大象流的建模,提出了三個大象流模型(ModelA、ModelB、和ModelC),並對模型的精度和穩定性進行了分析。由於使用控制器自己生成的網路統計資訊對大象流進行偵測將流表項失效時間與大象流偵測精度、流表大小以及控制通道頻寬佔用等多個網路性能指標耦合在一起,本論文構建並求解了一個多目標優化方程,旨在尋找最優的流表項失效時間對大象流偵測精度、流表大小、控制通道頻寬佔用進行聯合優化。本論文最後提出了兩個方案對流表項失效時間進行優化。第一個方案使用ModelA 對大象流進行準確和穩定的偵測。該方案構建了一個三目標優化方程聯合優化大象流偵測精度、大象流偵測時效性、和控制通道頻寬佔用。該三目標優化方程通過加權轉化為一個單目標優化方法並通過貝葉斯優化法(Bayesian Optimization)求解得到最佳的流表項失效時間和變化率。第二個方案使用ModelB 和ModelC 構造半監督學習法(cotraining),再與強化學習法(Reinforcement learning)相結合在軟體定義網路上實現了對大象流準確、穩定、和高效的偵測。這個方案利用了ModelC 的高效率,並通過ModelB 不斷地將部分無標籤的測試資料包轉化為有標籤的訓練資料包,對ModelC 進行持續再訓練,有效地提高了ModelC 偵測精度和穩定性。ModelB在轉化過程中所消耗的控制通道頻寬通過強化學習構建的獎勵方程進行控制,從而使控制器可以使用交換機轉發的資料包實現對大象流準確、穩定、高效的偵測。
本論文所有工作都在開源平臺上,使用Python 語言程式設計實現,並通過模擬進行功能和性能的評估。儘管模擬方法具有一定的局限性,本論文最後分析和討論了如何將這些採樣、建模、偵測、和優化方法進一步推廣到實際的軟體定義網路和不同應用場景中。
Elephants flows (elephants) are big flows with long time duration and large byte/packet counts. It is significant to classify elephants over computer networks, as two elephants sharing the same link can cause network congestion and degrade network performance and Quality of Service (QOS). Since Software-Defined Networking (SDN) decouples network control from the data plane, it can facilitate computer networks with new primitives to enable network-wide management and optimization. This thesis studies the general elephant classification methods over SDN computer networks, aiming to provide accurate, efficient, and stable elephant classification solutions at controllers by investigating the sampling, modeling, and optimizing mechanisms for elephant classification. Packet sampling over SDN systems is studied firstly. Packets of flows sampled by the timeouts of flow entries are proposed to classify elephants. It completely avoids moving statistics dedicated for elephant classification from switches to controllers and can achieve a high classification accuracy. Secondly, the models describing elephants are studied. Three elephant models (ModelA, ModelB, and ModelC) are provided. Their accuracy and stability are investigated. Thirdly, a multiobjective optimization problem is generalized and solved, aiming to find the best timeout set that jointly maximizes the classification accuracy and resource efficiency when the flows being classified are sampled by the timeouts of flow entries. Finally, the elephant classification time efficiency is highlighted. Two approaches are proposed. The first involves ModelA for its high accuracy and stability and formulates a multi-objective problem to optimize the classification accuracy, resource efficiency, and time efficiency. The Bayesian Optimization (BO) and a novel timeout adjustment strategy are applied for the problem solving. The second involves ModelB and ModelC together with co-training and Reinforcement Learning (RL) to achieve the accurate, stable, and efficient elephant classification over SDN computer networks. While ModelC improves its general accuracy by being periodically retrained over the flows labeled by ModelB online, ModelB manages its control channel bandwidth usage through a reward function formulated using RL.
All these works are programmed in Python, prototyped over open sourced platforms and algorithms, and evaluated over simulation. Although the approaches proposed have their limitations, potentials are discussed in extending them to various networking scenarios or over physical SDN systems.
1 Introduction and Background 1
1.1 Computer Networks and SDN Architecture 7
1.1.1 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Architecture 7
1.1.2 Conventional Computer Networks 8
1.1.3 SDN Architecture and Major Components 8
1.1.4 Summary 12
1.2 Flows and Elephants 12
1.2.1 Flows 13
1.2.2 Metadata of Flows 13
1.2.3 Elephants 14
1.3 Statistics 15
1.3.1 Statistics Collection 15
1.3.2 Statistics Sampling 17
1.3.3 Statistics Processing 18
1.4 Technologies Involved in Elephant Modeling, Classification, and Optimization 20
1.4.1 Statistical Analysis 20
1.4.2 Machine Learning 22
1.4.3 Evolutionary Algorithms 24
1.5 Metrics 25
1.5.1 Performance Metrics for Models, Classifiers, and Algorithms 25
1.5.2 Time Efficiency 27
1.5.3 Stability 28
1.5.4 Performance Metrics for SDN Computer Networks 28
1.6 Tools and Data Sets 29
1.6.1 Simulation Tools 30
1.6.2 Tools for Data Sets 31
1.6.3 Testbed for Simulation 32
1.7 Research Questions and Challenges 32
1.7.1 Packet Sampling Using Flow Entry Timeouts for Elephant Classification 33
1.7.2 Modeling Elephants 35
1.7.3 Optimizing Timeouts Using Multi-objective Optimization Problems 36
1.7.4 Adjusting Timeouts for Accurate and Stable Elephant Flows Classification 38
1.7.5 Toward Accurate, Time Efficient, and Stable Elephant Flows Classification 39
1.8 Contribution 39
2 Packet Sampling Using Flow Entry Timeouts for Elephant Flows Classification 43
2.1 Introduction 43
2.2 Background and Related Work 44
2.2.1 Timeouts of Flow Entries 44
2.2.2 Timeout Configuration and Optimization 47
2.2.3 Network Statistics Collection 49
2.2.4 Elephants Classification 50
2.3 Applying Timeout of Flow Entries to Sample Packets for Elephant Classification 51
2.4 Feasibility Evaluation 52
2.5 Conclusion 54
3 Modeling Elephant Flows 55
3.1 Introduction 55
3.2 Background and Related Work 55
3.2.1 Metadata Used to Model Elephants 55
3.2.2 Methods Enabling Elephant Modeling 58
3.2.3 Summary 63
3.3 Modeling Elephant Flows 64
3.3.1 Training Data Set Labeling and Analyzing 64
3.3.2 Elephant Modeling 66
3.4 Performance Evaluation 73
3.5 Conclusion 75
4 Optimizing Timeouts Using Multi-objective Optimization Problems 77
4.1 Introduction 77
4.2 Background and Related Work 78
4.2.1 Single Objective 78
4.2.2 Multiple Objectives 82
4.2.3 Algorithms 84
4.3 Multi-objective Optimization Problem Formulation 86
4.3.1 Modeling Control Channel Bandwidth Usage 88
4.3.2 Modeling Flow Table Size 88
4.3.3 Modeling Elephant Classification Inaccuracy 89
4.3.4 Multi-objective Optimization Problem Formulation 90
4.4 Solving Optimization Problem 90
4.4.1 Timeout Adjustment Strategies 90
4.4.2 Solving Problems 93
4.5 Evaluation 96
4.5.1 Optimizing Classification Inaccuracy and Control Channel Bandwidth Usage 97
4.5.2 Optimizing Flow Table Size and Control Channel Bandwidth Usage 98
4.5.3 Sensitivity Analysis 98
4.5.4 Improvement 103
4.6 Conclusion 104
5 Adjusting Timeouts for Accurate and Stable Elephant Classification 109
5.1 Introduction 109
5.2 Background and Related Work 110
5.2.1 Elephant Classification Solutions with Time Efficiency 111
5.2.2 Applications of BO 111
5.3 Elephant Model Used 113
5.4 Timeout Adjustment Strategy 114
5.5 Multi-objective Optimization Problem Formulation 115
5.6 Solving Optimization Problem 117
5.7 Evaluation 121
5.7.1 Stability 122
5.7.2 Sensitive analysis 123
5.7.3 Performance of BO 127
5.7.4 Discussion 128
5.8 Conclusion 132
6 Toward Accurate, Time Efficient, and Stable Elephant Classification 135
6.1 Introduction 135
6.2 Background and Related Work 139
6.2.1 Elephant Classification Solutions with Time Efficiency 139
6.2.2 Semi-supervised Learning in Elephant Classification 140
6.2.3 Applying RL in Elephant Classification 141
6.3 General Accuracy of ModelC 142
6.4 Combining Co-training and RL for Elephant Classification 144
6.4.1 Approach Overview 145
6.4.2 Co-training 147
6.4.3 RL 148
6.4.4 Overall Algorithm Combining Co-training and RL 151
6.5 Evaluation 155
6.5.1 Time Cost in Training ModelC 155
6.5.2 Overhead of ModelB 156
6.5.3 Estimating the Proposed Approach 159
6.5.4 Sensitive Analysis 162
6.5.5 Discussion 165
6.6 Conclusion 170
7 Conclusions and Future Work 173
7.1 Conclusions 173
7.2 Suggestions for Future Works 179
7.2.1 Modeling Elephants Using Context Metadata of Flows 179
7.2.2 Extending Elephant Classification over Out of Distribution (OOD) Testing Data Sets 181
7.2.3 Implementing Elephant Classifiers in Controller Solutions 182
7.2.4 Extending Elephant Classification in Various Networking Scenarios with Other Technologies 183
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