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作者(英文):Bih-Chuan Lin
論文名稱(英文):Constructing an Evaluation Framework Under the Perspectives of Adaptive Capacity and Capacity Building in Earthquake Disaster Prevention
指導教授(英文):Chun-Hung Lee
口試委員(英文):Wen-Yen Chang
Hai-Yin Wu
Yun-Ju Chen
Cheng-Te Lin
Chun-Hung Lee
關鍵詞(英文):Community-based earthquake disaster managementCommunity participationDisaster awarenessAdaptive capacityChoice experienceImportant performance analysis
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本研究將社區應對災害調適能力與社區災害管理相結合,基於對利益相關者的訪談和選擇實驗 (CE),提出CBEDM 的適應性評估框架,研究估計: 1) 居民偏好模型、2) 使用人口統計數據和防災態度來衡量居民偏好異質性、3) 估計CBEDM 的福利影響、4) 評估居民參與不同 CBEDM 場景的意願。同時,採用重要性-績效分析(IPA)方法,從社區視角建立以社區為基礎的地震災害管理評價框架。 這種方法有助於確定影響社區災害適應行為和 CBEDM 計劃績效的因素。CBEDM指標中影響社區居民調整行為分化的因素分為災害意識、災害感知、地震知識學習、災害適應能力和CBEDM平台建設。
CE 和 IPA 方法的結果為 CBEDM 系統的構建和設計提出了幾個關鍵發現。 首先,缺乏防災意識和感知能力的居民更願意參與社區災害管理項目。 這突顯了促進教育和提高認識舉措以提高災害適應能力的重要性。 其次,定期舉辦社區防災課程、講座和演練,可以顯著提高居民的防災備災意識。 這強調需要持續的培訓和教育計劃來增強社區的恢復力。 第三,賦權社會組織協助社區做好災前準備,是提升社區適應能力的有效途徑。 最後,政府與非營利組織之間的合作有助於更好地提高社區管理災害的能力。 這些關鍵發現為 CBEDM 系統的理論設計和決策制定提供了寶貴的見解,強調了對災害管理採取協作和以社區為中心的方法的必要性。
Climate change has caused the incidence of natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons, droughts, etc.) to increase yearly, and the power of disasters is also increasing. Among these natural disasters, cannot accurately predict only earthquake disasters. Once earthquake disasters come, they will seriously threaten people's lives and properties. Therefore, a community-based disaster management system should integrate community participation, disaster adaptive capacity, disaster risk reduction, preparedness, resilience building, collaboration, and coordination within the context of community-based disaster organizations, which has been recognized as an essential key to disaster management.
This study combines the community's ability to adapt to disasters with community disaster management. Based on interviews with stakeholders and the method of choice experiments (CE), an adaptive assessment framework for CBEDM is proposed. The research estimates 1) a resident preference model, 2) using demographic data and disaster prevention attitudes to measure resident preference heterogeneity, 3) estimating the welfare impact of CBEDM, and 4) assessing residents' willingness to participate in different CBEDM scenarios. At the same time, the importance-performance analysis (IPA) method is used to establish a community-based earthquake disaster management evaluation framework from the community perspective. This approach helps identify the factors that influence community disaster adaptation behavior and the performance of CBEDM initiatives. The factors affecting the differentiation of community residents' adjustment behavior in the CBEDM indicators are divided into disaster awareness, disaster perception, earthquake knowledge learning, disaster adaptive capacity, and CBEDM platform construction.
The results of the CE and IPA methods suggest several key findings for the construction and design of CBEDM systems. Firstly, residents who lack disaster prevention awareness and perception ability are more willing to participate in community disaster management programs. This highlights the importance of promoting education and awareness-raising initiatives to improve disaster adaptation ability. Secondly, regular community disaster prevention courses, lectures, and drills can significantly improve residents' awareness of disaster prevention and preparedness. This emphasizes the need for ongoing training and education programs to enhance community resilience. Thirdly, empowering social organizations to assist communities in pre-disaster preparations can effectively enhance community adaptive capacity. Finally, collaboration between governments and non-profit organizations can help to better enhance communities' ability to manage disasters. These key findings provide valuable insights into the theoretical design and decision-making of CBEDM systems, highlighting the need for a collaborative and community-centered approach to disaster management.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. Motivation, Purpose, and Research Gap 1
1.2. Dissertation Outline 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review 7
2.1. Earthquake in Taiwan 7
2.2. Regulation and current state of the disaster management system in Taiwan 9
2.3. Community organization in earthquake disaster management 12
2.4. Community Transformation in earthquake disaster management 13
2.5. Adaptive capacity in earthquake disaster management 15
2.6. Capacity Building in earthquake disaster management 17
2.7. Community participation behavior in earthquake disaster management 20
Chapter 3 Methodology 22
3.1. Conceptual framework 22
3.2. Study area 24
3.3. Importance-performance analysis in CBEDM 26
3.4. Choice experiment (CE) in CBEDM 30
3.5. Attribute design 33
3.5.1 Increase the disaster prevention assets that community can draw upon in times 36
3.5.2 Improve the flexibility of earthquake disaster management strategies 36
3.5.3 Strengthening links between community organizations 37
3.5.4 Learning to respond with disaster risk mitigations 37
3.5.5 Set up an earthquake disaster management response agency 38
3.5.6 Willingness to participate 40
3.6. CBEDM Preference models 40
3.7. Questionnaire and survey design 43
3.7.1 Pre-test design 43
3.7.2 Questionnaire design 44
3.8. CE scenarios and adaptive capacity 46
Chapter 4 Results and Analysis 48
4.1. Matrix of the I–P Levels of CBEDM Indicators in Urban and Non-Urban Area 50
4.2. IPA of Community Residents’ Perceptions of CBEDM Solutions 53
4.3. Community residents’ Participation Behavior in CBEDM Solutions 55
4.4. Estimating community residents’ preference heterogeneity regarding CBEDM 56
4.5. MWTP comparison based on demographics and adaptive capabilities towards CBEDM 58
4.6. Welfare analysis in CBEDM 64
4.7. Welfare estimation under different hypothetical scenarios in CBEDM 66
Chapter 5 Discussion 68
5.1. The role of disaster awareness and community participation behaviors in CBEDM 71
5.2. The role of community preferences and WTP of disaster prevention in CBEDM 71
Chapter 6 Conclusion 74
6.1. Conclusion and Recommendation 74
6.2. Action plan on CBEDM 76

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