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指導教授(英文):Hui-Hua Chen
Chunn-Yin Ling
口試委員(英文):Chunn-Yin Ling
Chuan-Cheng Kao
Liu, Ming-Chou
Shu-Chuan Shih
關鍵詞(英文):freedom of learning policydriving teacher policyurriculum reform development policyeducational policyIndonesia
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To increase the quality of education, in most countries, teachers have become the main issue. Recently, Indonesia in 2019, issued freedom of learning (Merdeka Belajar), and a 'driving teacher' policy (Guru Penggerak). Driving teachers is a policy that accompanies freedom of learning to enhance the competency of teachers. The primary purpose of this study was to examine the implications of driving teachers toward learning freedom; furthermore, to explore how teachers apply freedom of learning once receiving mentoring and training from the driving teacher policy; to explore the pedagogical development of teachers and teacher beliefs, in their dual-role as educators and curriculum implementers. This research relied on an interpretive paradigm to reveal the complex realities of elementary school teachers and the meaning of curriculum experiences. Thus, a qualitative approach underlines this research, at the ontological, epistemological, and methodological levels. This ontological qualitative (multiple reality) and epistemological (interaction with rather than separateness of participants) standpoint demand an 'ideographical' methodology. The ideographic method focuses on individual cases or events. Six teachers from six various schools participated in this study. The findings of this study report that the policy of 'driving teacher' has implications for the freedom of learning, and all participants apply freedom of learning in their class and contributes to the curriculum creatively despite each teacher are not equal in term of quality. The driving teacher's policy has succeeded in improving teacher pedagogic abilities through quality training. Yet, not all teachers become curriculum developers, only two teachers who come from high-status school backgrounds become curriculum developers entirely. Four teachers still become curriculum transmitters even though, they are willing to. Furthermore, the teachers' belief is very positive in freedom of learning, they are very enthusiastic and proactive in implementing freedom of learning in schools. However, the benefits and development experiences of each teacher are not the same. In addition, the quality of training and school background also influence competencies -soft skills and hard skills- and teachers' perceptions of curriculum reform.
Acknowledgment i
Dedication iii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures viii
List of Tables ix
Declaration x

1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Research Purpose 7
1.3 The Statement of Problem and Research Questions 8
1.4 Scope and Limitation 9
1.5 Definition of Key Terms 9
1.5.1. Driving Teacher 9
1.5.2. Freedom of Learning 10
1.5.3. Pedagogical Development 12
1.5.4. Teachers’ Beliefs 13
1.6 Organization of the Study 14

2.1. Curriculum Reform in Indonesia: An Overview 15
2.2. Teacher Autonomy and Teaching Development 21
2.3. Pedagogical Development and Learning Outcome 26
2.4. Teachers’ Beliefs in Implementing Educational Reform 31

3.1. Research Design 39
3.2. Role of the Research 41
3.3. Research Participant 44
3.4. Research Procedure 44
3.5. Data Collection 46
3.6. Data Analyzes 47
3.7. Trustworthiness of the Research 48
3.8. Ethical Consideration 49

4.1. Research Findings 51
4.1.1 Driving Teachers’ Policy Affect Practice of Learning Freedom 53
4.1.2 Teachers Implement Freedom of Learning in the Classroom While Creatively and Effectively Contributing to the Curriculum Development 55
4.1.3 Driving Teachers Effect Pedagogical Development of Teachers 57
4.1.4 Teachers Become Curriculum-Developers 60
4.1.5 Teachers’ Belief in Implementing Freedom of Learning upon Gaining Training and Mentoring 61

4.2 The Discussion of Finding 65
4.2.1 Driving teachers Affect Practice of Freedom of Learning 65
Gaining Much New Knowledge in Driving Teacher Training 69
Doing Diagnostic Assessment 71
Implement Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom 74
4.2.2 Teachers Implement Freedom of Learning in the Classroom While Creatively and Effectively Contributing to the Curriculum Development 80
Being Creative in Develop Curriculum 82
4.2.3 Driving Teachers Effect Pedagogical Development of Teachers 89
4.2.4 Teachers Become Curriculum-Developers and Curriculum-Transmitter, ‘the Dilemma of Textbook’ 94
Three Distinctive Styles of Teacher Content 97
4.2.5 Teachers’ Belief in Implementing Freedom of Learning upon Gaining Training and Mentoring 98
The quality of Training and Mentoring in Driving Teacher 102
Sociocultural Challenges 104

5.1. Implication of the Study 108
5.2. Suggestion for Future Research 110
References 112
Appendix 123

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