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作者(英文):Li-Wa Sha
論文名稱(英文):Research on the Effectiveness of Motor Learning of Multimedia Teaching for Physical Education Teachers Leading by Technology
指導教授(英文):Chin-Sheng Liang
Chih-Wen Fan
口試委員(英文):Wen-Hsin Chiu
Chung-Ming Liang
I-Wei Shang
Chin-Sheng Liang
Chih-Wen Fan
關鍵詞(英文):Motor CognitionMotor SkillsPhysical EducationMotor Practice
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The purpose of this study was to explore the application process and inspection mechanism of multimedia teaching led by science and technology for physical education teachers. At the same time, we would explore whether action cognition could be displayed in action performance and action pattern through multimedia teaching. As well as with and without practice experience, in three different multimedia teaching presentation methods including "image", "image + narration", and "image + narration +sign", the study explored the impact on the learning effect (skill effect and cognitive effect) of fixed-point shooting action. This study used experimental and measurement methods. Self-made Physical Education Teachers Technology Leadership Checklist ,self-made fixed-point shooting skills cognitive test paper and self-made fixed-point shooting action style scale were made from Literature and Reference Preliminary Research. 130 seventh-grade middle school participants were recruited for action learning and divided into two groups of students with and without practice. Each group of students was divided into three different types of multimedia video teaching groups. Before the experiment, the performance of shooting action and the homogeneity of shooting action pattern were tested. The test was proceeded after watching 4 weeks of multimedia video for the no-practice group. The practice group watched 4 weeks of multimedia videos while practicing shooting, followed by a quiz, followed by a retention test after 4 weeks. The total number of experiments was 390. The obtained data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance, product-difference correlation and other statistical methods.Analysis conclusion was as follows:
1. The study successfully Checked the Application of Physical Education
Teachers' Technology Leading Multimedia Teaching.
2. The students participated in this study were belong to the cognitive period in the early stage of motor learning, so there is no connection between the cognition of motor skills and the performance of movements, and there is no significant correlation between cognition and movement with or without practice.
3. The cognitive performance of most actions in the multimedia video "image + narration + sign" group was significantly better than that of the "image + narration" and "image" groups, and there was no significant difference between the "image + narration" and "image" groups.
4. From the perspective of shooting performance, there was no significant difference in spot-up shooting performance between the three multimedia message groups with and without practice. From the perspective of basketball action pattern scoring, students could immediately demonstrate different skill performances without practice, using different multimedia teaching materials. The total hand score of the "image + narration + sign" group was significantly higher than that of the "image + narration" group in the preparation period. In the "image + narration" group with and without practice, the skill of rotating the sphere during the action period was significantly greater than that in the "image" group.
第一章 緒 論   1
第一節 研究動機   1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題   6
第三節 名詞釋義   8
第四節 研究限制與範圍   10
第二章 文獻探討   13
第一節 科技領導理論與相關研究   13
第二節 體育教師科技領導運用要素與方式探索   29
第三節 體育課多媒體教學之意義與現狀   56
第四節 體育課多媒體教學的理論基礎   65
第三章 研究方法   81
第一節 研究流程與架構   81
第二節 研究對象   83
第三節 研究工具   83
第四節 實驗時間與地點   89
第五節 資料處理與統計分析   89
第四章 結果與討論   97
第一節 體育教師科技領導在多媒體教學中的運用   97
第二節 定點投籃動作認知測驗卷編製分析   108
第三節 三種多媒體組別實驗前同質性檢驗   110
第四節 動作認知與動作技能關聯   111
第五節 不同多媒體訊息對動作學習認知成效影響   131
第六節 不同多媒體訊息對動作學習技能成效影響   140
第伍章 結論與建議   155
第一節 結論   155
第二節 建議   159
參考文獻   165
中文部分 165
英文部分   179
附 錄   193
【附錄一】體育教師科技領導多媒體教學運用檢核表   193
【附錄二】科技領導檢核專家權威係數檢驗評分表   194
【附錄三】定點投籃動作型式評量表   196
【附錄四】定點投籃動作認知測驗卷(預試)   197
【附錄五】定點投籃動作認知測驗卷   201
【附錄六】定點籃球动作表現客觀紀錄表   205
【附錄七】定點投籃教學活動設計   206
【附錄八】實驗參與者需知及家長同意書   210

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