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論文名稱:Migrant Narratives of Border Crossings and Critical Literacy Pedagogy
論文名稱(英文):Migrant Narratives of Border Crossings and Critical Literacy Pedagogy
指導教授(英文):Lien, Hsi Nancy
口試委員(英文):Chiu, Y.L. Fred
Lin, Chien-Ting
Lin, Huei-Hsuan
Hsieh, Ivy Haoyin
關鍵詞(英文):Border CrossingsBorder PedagogyCritical LiteracyNarrative InquiryEnglish TeacherLanguage EducationClass DistinctionSocial IssuesKnowledge SegregationEmpowering EducationDecolonial PedagogyMulticultural EducationMigrant WorkersGlobal Education
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I am a college language teacher from Indonesia who have already being a practitioner for more than sixteen years. The journey of border crossing began from the time I came to Taiwan for doctoral study. I did not anticipate the impact of border crossing on me and did not relaize the rich meanings of it until I bring it into the horizon of research to my doctoral study.
To me, three-years studying as doctoral student and being a part-time migrant worker in Taiwan is like living in borderland. It made me realize that I could not understand the whole life conditions and challenges related to cultural and political atmosphere of the others. I am on my journey in the answering questions related to why I, a language teacher, did not understand the closest social issues which exist in my surroundings both in Taiwan and in my home country, Indonesia. The main concern of this study is to uncovered how the controversial issues of linearity and knowledge segregation understood as the limitation of language education.
This research underscores the combination and immediacy both crossing border and critical literacy pedagogy through narrative inquiry. Narrative inquiry used by the researcher in revealing the awakening process on how one individual can reach the critical understanding towards the issues exist in the surrounding and social condition both in home country and borderland. It helped on reaching the whole understanding and making meaning towards the past as well as current experiences through in-depth conversation and dialogue during times of uncertainty. Making meaning towards selfness and otherness which co-exist in such challenging life and mulptiple identity conditions. Living as an individual which co-exist with the family, cultural, social and political condition let to place ourselves into the otherness. Social and knowledge segregation based condition are being the main problem on reaching the awakening pedagogy. Understandings that the previous knowledge as a language teacher just enough for a transferring information without touching the social condition and life background which can be easily found in the teacher’s and students’ everyday life practices and gave impacts towards the educational processes. This research findings suggest that the alternative education through the lense of critical literacy could be applied in classroom daily practices in presenting the global topics of borderland. Providing the choices on how students could be critically analyze the global situation of living in border crossing. It is expected to help pre-service teachers to develop an understanding of their lifeworld and experiences of literacy of empowerment.

Keywords: Border Crossings, Border Pedagogy, Critical Literacy, Narrative Inquiry, English Teacher, Language Education, Class Distinction, Social Issues, Knowledge Segregation, Empowering Education, Decolonial Pedagogy, Multicultural Education, Migrant Workers, Global Education.
Confussion to Questions 1
Redefining the Understandings of Literacy, Pedagogy and the Politics of Difference which Embedded in Border Crossing 7
The Whole Framework of the Understandings 36
Narrative Inquiry Found Me 41
The Dialogue 46
Undergraduate Journey in English Education Department 49
English Non-Permanent Teacher in Elementary School 50
Pursuing Post-Graduate in English Education Department 51
University English Teacher 52
The Whole Picture as an English Teacher in Indonesia 55
Migration Trajectory 59
I and Surya: Scope of Life in Madiun 64
Childhood Life Span on Schooling in Madiun 65
After 9 Years Schooling Basis & Adulthood Before Migration to Taiwan 71
Living in Border Crossing: I am Both Student and Part Time Worker in Taiwan 78
Living in Border Crossing: Surya is a Migrant Worker in Taiwan 83
Cognizant of Class Matters 90
Turning Point: Difference but Similar 95
Class Matter in Other Daily Practices 96
I am a Teacher and Researcher: Oppression Meaning 103
Dialogical Inquiries: Re-thinking Hopes and Possibilities 104
Re-conceptualizing the Alternative 116
Research’s Limitations 129
Research’s Contributions 130
Research’s Implications 132
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