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作者(英文):Zhe-Hong Su
論文名稱:不同溫度、鹽度及餌料條件對菲氏米蝦 (Caridina villadolidi)幼生生存及發育之影響
論文名稱(英文):Effect of temperature, salinity and diet condition on the survival and development of Caridina villadolidi larvae
指導教授(英文):Chiao-Chuan Han
口試委員(英文):Chiao-Chuan Han
Kwee-Siong Tew
Meng-Hsien Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Caridina villadolidiornamental shrimplarval developmentdietalgal concentration
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本研究以不同的溫度、鹽度、微藻種類、微藻濃度及以不同比例混合的微藻來探討不同飼養條件對菲氏米蝦幼蟲生存及發育的影響,以此建立人工培育的條件及流程。溫鹽實驗的結果顯示,飼養在鹽度15、20及25 ppt的幼蟲在水溫28°C以上的環境存活率可達50%以上,並在孵化後第12~16天時蛻變為後期幼蟲,發育速率高於26°C。飼養在鹽度30 ppt幼蟲,只有在水溫30°C的狀態下有較高的存活率(45.0±18.0%),水溫28°C的存活率只有16.7±11.5%,水溫26°C的狀態下則無幼蟲存活。飼養在鹽度10 ppt的幼蟲發育速度明顯低於其他處理組,且無法存活超過蚤狀幼體第六期。微藻種類及濃度實驗結果顯示,餵食濃度1*10^5及5*10^4 cells/ml周氏扁藻的組別存活皆在85%以上,首次出現後期幼蟲的時間為孵化後第12天,而餵食濃度1*10^4 cells/ml 周氏扁藻的組別,存活率只有15.6±9.6%,在孵化後第21天時才出現後期幼蟲。而等鞭金藻的處理組中,只有餵食濃度3*10^5 cells/ml的組別有5.6±7.9%的幼蟲變態率,其餘組別皆無幼蟲存活。混合微藻實驗結果顯示各組間的存活率無顯著差異,但若以廣義線性模型分析變態率的成長狀態,則添加濃度1.5*10^5及3*10^5 cells/ml等鞭金藻的組別幼蟲變態率增長速度高於無添加等鞭金藻的控制組及添加濃度3*10^4 cells/ml等鞭金藻的組別。
This study was to establish larvae culture process of Caridina villadolidi, evaluating efface of different temperature, salinity, algal species, algal concentration and different algae mix ratios on the survival and development of C. villadolidi larvae. In the experiment of temperature and salinity, larvae reared at salinity 15, 20, and 25 ppt can reach a survival rate of more than 50% and metamorphose post larvae on the 12-16 DPH when water temperature above 28°C, development rate is faster than the 26°C. Larvae reared at salinity 30 ppt have a higher survival rate (45.0 ± 18.0%) at a water temperature of 30°C. Survival rate in 28°C is only 16.7 ± 11.5%, and no larvae survived in 26°C. In 10 ppt salinity, larval development slower than the other groups, and no larvae survive beyond Zoea VI. In the experiment of algae species and concentration, the survival rate at larvae fed Tetraselmis chui at a concentration of 1*10^5 and 5*10^4 cells/ml was above 85%, post larva first metamorphosed at 12 DPH. Fed Tetraselmis chui at a concentration of 1*10^4 cells/ml, survival rate is only 15.6±9.6%, post larva first metamorphosed at 21 DPH. In the groups of Isochrysis galbana, only the group with fed concentration of 3*10^5 cells/ml had a larval metamorphosis rate of 5.6 ± 7.9%, no larvae survived in other groups. In the experiment of mix algae showed no significant difference in survival rates between the treatment. However, if analyzed by a generalized linear model, the metamorphosis rate’s growth of groups with mixed I. galbana concentration of 1.5*10^5 and 3*10^5 cells/ml are faster than that of the control group and the group with mixed I. galbana concentration of 3*10^4 cells/ml.
壹、前言 1
1.1 匙指蝦科(Atyidae)在水族市場的發展現況 1
1.2 洄游型米蝦的困境與相關研究 1
1.3 研究物種介紹 2
1.4 影響幼生培育的物理因子 3
1.5 影響幼生培育的餌料生物 3
貳、研究目的 5
参、材料與方法 7
3.1 實驗物種採集 7
3.2 試驗用水 7
3.3 餌料生物培養方法 7
3.4 實驗方法 8
A.溫度與鹽度交叉實驗 8
B.微藻種類與濃度交叉實驗 8
C.混合微藻實驗 9
3.5 發育與活存狀態觀察紀錄 9
3.6 統計分析 10
肆、結果 11
4.1 幼蟲發育階段描述 11
4.2 溫度與鹽度交叉實驗 12
A. 鹽度10、20、30 ppt的溫鹽實驗結果 12
B. 鹽度15、20、25 ppt的溫鹽實驗結果 14
4.3 微藻種類與濃度交叉實驗 17
4.4 混合微藻實驗 19
伍、討論 21
5-1 幼生發育階段 21
5-2 溫度與鹽度交叉實驗 21
5-3 微藻相關實驗 22
陸、結論 25
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